We have/had an Xbox 360 and still went back to play the PS2, I would say it's very worth it. Playstation has some pretty awesome games, I still play the Hunter !. Also a plus is that most of the PS2 games (PSX also I guess) are pretty darn cheap.Now that it's $100, is it worth getting ...
If you haven't owned a PS2 before then I wouldn't bother. You would be much better off putting that money towards a preowned 60GB PS3 that does have backwards compatibility (no other models have it). That way you get the best of both worlds - the ability to play all the PS2 games you fancy, as well as being able to play current gen exclusives or games you don't want on 360.
First of all, I would say YES, it is very much worth it! Think of it like this, $100 couldn't buy you two new XBox360 games, but it can get you a console that has a TON of great games, and GAMES are still being made for it! That right there shows you how great the PS2 is! It is the ONLY last gen console still having games produced on! If you decide to go with a PS3, you should make sure it is backwards compatable, but the 60gig isn't the only backward compatable PS3... The 80gig is backward compatable as well, as long as you get an older model... I am pretty sure that all the new PS3's do not have backward compatability.
[QUOTE=''Avenger1324'']If you haven't owned a PS2 before then I wouldn't bother. You would be much better off putting that money towards a preowned 60GB PS3 that does have backwards compatibility (no other models have it). That way you get the best of both worlds - the ability to play all the PS2 games you fancy, as well as being able to play current gen exclusives or games you don't want on 360.[/QUOTE]
If you don't mind having a preowned system, then yes you could do this. The PS2 for $100 is a fantastic price. With arguably the best gaming library, you should for sure pick one up even if you have an Xbox 360. I'm thinking about doing the same since I sold my PS2 a couple years back.
Of course. It was worth buying when it was $300. I don't know why you're even asking this.
I recommend getting the ps2. There are just so many excellent games for it, it's well worth investing in the console. Plus, many of the games you can find cheap these days.
just like a handheld everyone has to have one so get it
If you have never owned a PS2 before, than you need to get one now, especially with the falling pricetag.Trust me, you'll be missing out on an excellent collection of games if you don't get one.
Yes, PS2 has way more great games than the xbox360.
Everybody should have a PS2. Way too many games that are worth owning.
if i were you i would sell my xbox and get 2 ps2
[QUOTE=''bigM10231'']just like a handheld everyone has to have one so get it[/QUOTE]
I agree the PS2 is worth buying, but not a handheld.
just buy the 60 gig ps3 ull get a ps1 ps2 and ps3 in all in 1 system with blue ray player and the ps3 OWNZZAZZZ so definatley
I have a 360 and plenty of games for it but my PS2 is still the most used of all my systems. I may just pick up a second one that way when my current PS2 finally breaks down, I'll have a backup.
PS2 has such a great selection of games and if you have the money and have never owned one, you'd be crazy not to get one for $100.
Defiantly, the back catalouge is so worth it.
Simple answer yes.The PS2 has some AMAZING games worth playing and owning.
Sounds like I'll be dropping $100 come this weekend. Thanks for the quick and helpful responses everyone!
I guess im the only one that thinks $100 for 8 year oldtechnology is a rippoff. Look on Craigslist if you want a PS2 ive seen slims with games for under $100
well guess what,,,the older consoles still play remotely different games ,, if your a gamer, youll get one, , ,this is really funny because this gen i got a wii but guess what i got a gc in 2006 lol, ,i got a 360 in 2006 i also got a new xbox in 06 to replace one that went bad,also , even though i own a bc 60 gb ps3 i my self 6 months prior to , well today i bought a ps2 slim 9000 series-im really ticked though because it is now 99 dollars,lol,so ya get one, , (although theres a reason i bought my ps2, i have got rock band, i always have problems with getting the instruments to work right on the ps3 because, well it tells me theres no mic some times, and it works some times,, so i have to use a ps2 ,, stupid aint it)
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