- The Ending of FFIX
- The suprising ending of XIII
- Finding your sister in Fable
- The Final Boss of Doom 3
- The boss on the airship in FFX
- Theclub sceneof Conkers live and reloaded.
- Flying around with the winged cap in super mario 64
- Riding my horse around in Zelda OOT
- The ending of Zelda OOT
- Sailing my boat in Zelda Windwaker
- The ending of zelda windwaker
- The fight with that giant bird in windwaker.
I have way too many to list, but to your list I'd like to add one more, finishing Ganondorf in Windwaker, I mean, how awesome is that, big jump and sword to the forhead. I mean, Ganondorf turns into stone, even his blades turn into stone.
honorable mention goes to the end of MGS3 and MGS4 [spoiler] finding out Big Boss is alive [/spoiler] Favorite scene from a video game.
[QUOTE=''Cesar_Barba'']I have way too many to list, but to your list I'd like to add one more, finishing Ganondorf in Windwaker, I mean, how awesome is that, big jump and sword to the forhead. I mean, Ganondorf turns into stone, even his blades turn into stone. honorable mention goes to the end of MGS3 and MGS4 [spoiler] finding out Big Boss is alive [/spoiler] [/QUOTE]Yeah the ending to that game was just amazing all around.
The part right before the Bowyer boss fight in Super Mario RPG. With Geno :)
I likes the ending of R2, many of the scens in MGs4 with Raiden, Star Wars Kotor the first one where you find out the dark secret lol.i have a lot and a majority is from MGS
I'm sorry, but the princess is in another castle.
[QUOTE=''visceron'']I'm sorry, but the princess is in another castle.[/QUOTE]Yeah who could ever forget that line...I was so mad when that first popped up.
Any millisecond of Metal Gear Solid. Each one is full of a thousand killajoules worth of awesome.
i'd say kotor as well. BEST GAME EVER!
Mine is the knife fight between Leon and Krauser. Also, the last boss battle in God Of War II. (it was so brutal! lol)
metal gear solid intro on ps.
god,the ending of Call Of Duty 4!!!
There's thousands of great scenes I can think of. One of these was when when I flew to the sky at the end of Medal of Honor: Frontline. It was so awesome that I shouted of joy!
Facing the Cyberdemon for the first time in Doom.
They didn't mention it in the instruction manual so that was a fright for the first time.
when kazuya throw heihachi down the cliff it was a real full circle, tekken as such a great story it sad for me to see it ignored.
In Soul Calibur 2 , the scene when Maxi fight vs Astharot
The opening for FFVIII and Chrono Cross, the stabbing of Kid and transformation scenes in Chrono Cross, the recovery of Cloud from the lifestream in FFVII, and basically any serious scene from FFIX.
Ending of Sonic Adventure 2. Most epic ending ever :P
Oh and the final scenes from Shadow of the Collossus, brought tears to my eyes.
I can't believe I forgot this:the ending of Crisis Core.I nearly cried... :(
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