- A Link To The Past
- Ocarina Of Time
- Wind Waker
- Minish Cap
- Twilight Princess
- Phantom Hourglass
You know why hasnt nintendo put out the older ones on a handheld?? I would love to have #1 and ALTTP on my DS. What Zelda game should I pick up next?
Your list contains an obvious missing link, in Oracle of Seasons/Ages for the gameboy color. They are some of the best and more traditional zelda games. [QUOTE=''_AbBaNdOn'']You know why hasnt nintendo put out the older ones on a handheld?? I would love to have #1 and ALTTP on my DS. [/QUOTE]They have.
I would say pick up the collector's disk for the GC which as OoT/MMask/and I think some others.
I think you should buy a Nintendo 64 and get Majora's Mask! :PEither that or buy the Gamecube Zelda Collector's Edition disk off the web. It has Majora's Mask, Ocarina Of Time, and Zelda's 1 %26 2.
I'd get the GC collector's disc to get MM, and Zelda 1 %26 2. But you can't go wrong with the Oracle games either.
majoras mask
[QUOTE=''_AbBaNdOn'']You know why hasnt nintendo put out the older ones on a handheld?? I would love to have #1 and ALTTP on my DS. [/QUOTE]I have 1 on my GBA, and I think they ported 2 to it as well. They were part of the NES Classic line.
Anyway, if you get one of the Oracle games, you need to get the other, since they're meant to be played one right after the other. There's even a password system that makes one game the sequel.
[QUOTE=''slimdave21'']I think you should buy a Nintendo 64 and get Majora's Mask! :PEither that or buy the Gamecube Zelda Collector's Edition disk off the web. It has Majora's Mask, Ocarina Of Time, and Zelda's 1 %26 2.
[QUOTE=''kemar7856''][QUOTE=''slimdave21'']I think you should buy a Nintendo 64 and get Majora's Mask! :PEither that or buy the Gamecube Zelda Collector's Edition disk off the web. It has Majora's Mask, Ocarina Of Time, and Zelda's 1 %26 2.[/QUOTE] why is it not on wii vc[/QUOTE]I don't know. Maybe Nintendo is waiting for the storage solution before they release it because I'd imagine its a pretty large game.
Link's awakening have you played that?
if so then Majora's mask.
I recommend Link's Awakening. It's quite challenging and it will keep you occupied for a while. I'd say it's one of the best Zeldas to date.
Right read you post fully now.
Link's Awakening is brilliant game and the oracles are good but somewhat annoying at parts so yeh go for Awakening, if not then oracles of...I can't remember which one was better, even though they are basically the same thing one was better then the other.
Link's Awakening DX.Very nice game, but depressing...
links awakening and four swords adventures
Go for Link's Awakening DX for the Gameboy Colour. It's a really good game.
Then follow that up with some even better games with the Oracle games. It doesn't matter which Oracle game as long as you play both in the end.
Oracle of Ages/SeasonsProbably myfavourite games in the series.
The Oracle series is actually very good, kept me occupied for a nice long while. Try it out!
[QUOTE=''zeldaluff'']Oracle of Ages/SeasonsProbably myfavourite games in the series.[/QUOTE]Yeah I was going to say that.I loved that series aswell.
All right thanks for all the help. I will probably see if I can find a good copy of either the Oracle or Link Awakening game on Ebay. I am still leaning to LA just because I remember reading an article in a copy of Nintendo Power about it and the story line sounded really interesting.
My problem with the Collector Disk is its still expensive, it would be about $40 and I could get a N64 and a game for about that price.
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