Friday, April 16, 2010

Older Game on the Sega Genesis! Help!

Alright guys I did not think the time was to come. But i remember playing a game on the Sega Genesis and here is the description!1. It had like a Mouse/Elfish Character in Armor.2. The Start up screen had him sprinting down the side and it was a 2d scroller.3. I think? it was set in like a wooden area with trees.4. AND it had a darker colored version of the mouse character.Thank you =DOlder Game on the Sega Genesis! Help!
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]Older Game on the Sega Genesis! Help!
Not exactly.. O.o?Nice try though =P
Sounds like Rocket Knight Adventures to me.
[QUOTE=''Bubble_Man''] Sounds like Rocket Knight Adventures to me.[/QUOTE]

And that is correct! Thank you for all your help!
that is one of my all time favourite games.. its in my megadrive right now
Rocket Knight Adventure. That was easier than I expected.
[QUOTE=''Video_Game_King'']Rocket Knight Adventure. That was easier than I expected.[/QUOTE]

Thank you again guys. And I agree it is a really fun game

Fatal Frame Confusion :S

So recently ive been trying to find the whole Fatal Frame series in the UK and carn't find them anywhere. Were they named differently in the UK , and if so , are they the same game or a stripped down version?
Thanks :DFatal Frame Confusion :S
Fatal Frame is called Project Zero in the UK. I don't know if it's a stripped down version, but I don't see why it would be just because the title is different.Fatal Frame Confusion :S
Fatal Frame and Project Zero are the same games. You can find Project Zero on PS2 and Xbox, Project Zero II: Crimsom Butterfly on PS2 and an enhanced Directors' Cut on Xbox, and Project Zero III: The Tormented only on PS2. Also, there is a new Project Zero IV: Circle of the Lunar Eclipse coming to Wii.
I think IV has already been released, and has no plans of being localized outside of Japan.
[QUOTE=''Threesixtyci'']I think IV has already been released, and has no plans of being localized outside of Japan.[/QUOTE]

A PAL version will be released relatively soon.
[This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
LOL... relative to what?
i have to play Fatal frame.

loks damn good
Yeah I and II are pretty good. III is only okay if you're hungry for the gameplay; but it's lacking the thrill that the first 2 have, due to the safe area it has and the wayitems respawn in that game.GameQuestDirect has II and III sealed, for around 40 bucks each, for both the Xbox and PS2. Xbox versions are the enhanced versions... but FaFr3 was never released on the Xbox. You'll have to find the orginal on your own, most likely, used. Gamestop online, I sometimes see copies there.... it' funny that Xbox version is so much cheaper than the original PS2 version, yet it has more content; anyway they are out of stock right now, it seems. deal is at Gamequest for these; well the PS2 version, anyway.... not so much the Xbox version, but it's still a hard find; you'll have to check regularly, and then hope that the disk works when you get it. USed Xbox = 13 bucks.... Used PS2=40 bucks

Best 2 player PSX games

All genres are welcome. I'm looking for fun multiplayer action, we all know Tekken and DOA, but i'm looking for more ''rare'' or odd games like Overboard!, Adidas Power Soccer and poy poy.

Well anything with fun multiplayer actually.

My friends and I have some nights where we just go nostalgic and whip out the PSX and Genesis (on rare occasions the amiga too, if it works) so i'm looking for fun or silly multiplayer games to punish them in. Best 2 player PSX games
The PSX is the PlayStation isn't it?South Park Rally. Me and my sister used to sit on the carpet and play it and It's fun because almost all the game modes are different. So one game might be a simple 3-lap race on a track, the other might be that you have to hold onto something for a period of time and if the other person touches your car they have it. South Park Rally also has weapons like mario kart, and one of them is a fart boost. It also has single-player.Best 2 player PSX games
Indeed it is..

But thats right, one of my friends had it.. Loved cartmans tricicle as i seem to recall him being on.. Actually think I saw it at my game pusher the last time i were there..
CTR and syphon filter 3 for laughs
Twisted Metal was very fun to play with your friends, you can also play in the story mode with 2 players if I remember correctly.
Tony hawks 2, horse was great, and i lved frustrating my mate by winning graffiti when the timer had hit 0.00 and i carried on.....manual i loved thee.
im in the same boat, action/adventure/fighting/racing all these would be good. i got gauntlet dark legacy and 7 sorrows for ps2 so stuff in that vein (hack n slash) would be awesome as well.
fighting force
loaded or reload can be fun but they suffer from some slowdown when thing get crazy,and it does get repetitive but if you find it for cheap then why not try it.
  • maybelline
  • Final Fantasy X and X-2

    Hey. I just got X-2 Today off a friend and wanted to know what the difference is between X and X-2.
    Are they completely different games , or is one a sequel/prequel of the other. Or is it just the same game with added features?
    Thanks :DFinal Fantasy X and X-2
    X-2 is a sequel, though with a different turnbased battle system. The game as a whole is considered to be inferior to X.Final Fantasy X and X-2
    It's basically a spin-off game featuring Yuna, Rikku, and a new girl, Paine or Payne or however you spell it. You only fight with them I think. The battle system is turn-based, but in real-time I think. I'm not good at explaining battle systems actually. Instead of the sphere grid, you get a lovely dress sphere system now. I thought it was a good game, but certainly not as amazing as FFX. Still, it's a fun adventure after FFX.
    Dont make the same mistake as me and play FFX-2 before you play FFX thinking they are the same game just with added stuff.:)

    And i call myself a Final Fantast Fan...
    The gameplay is completely different, FFX is turn based, FFX-2 is time based.

    FFX-2 is the sequel, had mulitple endings and basically finishes the story, good or bad depending how you complete it.

    FFX is the main game and pretty much better, game only has one ending, pretty much just complete the game and a bunch of sidequests.
    FF X-2 sucks lolNo, seriously they should have left the story at FFX. Ended it perfectly.
    X-2 isn't a bad game, but it was not the right game to come after X.
    Yeah FF X-2 was a load of crap. FFX was so enjoyable, I remember playing the demo when it came with FFVI and couldn't wait for the whole game to be released and it didn't dissapoint. Then then they made FFX-2 which wasa stupid tie in can it be FF 10-2? It makes no sense.
    X is an awesome game and easily one of the best turn based rpg's on the ps2. X-2 follows 2 of the female characters from X and 1 new one as they go about looking for answers as to what happened to one of the characters from X. You basically revist all the area's you played through in X with some new locations thrown in with an all new(and not quite as awesome) battle system. With the new system monsters can just keep beating on you while your trying to decide what to do which can be frustrating. The cool weapon and armor building and guardian customizing from X is gone and replaced by much simpler systems. You do get to change klasses though by changing outfits mid battle which is pretty cool and sexy.

    A short while ago i got X and X-2 off ebay and played through them back to back. It was incredibly fun. I am right at the end of X-2 i think but I have one more dress sphere to get and a bunch of outfits to master.

    Basically i think X-2 doesnt deserve to get bashed for its storyline, it is pretty great and DOES follow the story from X. But for X-2 they also gutted/changed everything from X from the battle mechanics to the mini-games. I think thats the part that makes most people mad. Overall though I have a positive opinion of X-2.
    X-2 uses a different battle system, instead of the sphere grid it has a Job system (where you're characters can change fighting styles) and the story is more light, music, and characters are more light hearted.
    X-2 is a sequal. different fighting style and all girls... 10 was much better, but X-2 unlocks more of the story.
    Throw away X-2 it ruins the beautiful ending to X.
    X-2 to me just seemed like a bunch of FMVs put it to show what happened to people at the end of FFX. It never really felt like a full fleshed out game. But I'm not entirely bashing it, for what its worth its fun to see how things turned out.
    [QUOTE=''fend_oblivion'']FF X-2 sucks lolNo, seriously they should have left the story at FFX. Ended it perfectly.[/QUOTE] .... It ends exactly the same. The end credit ending of FFXisn't a logo.
    [This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
    No, I mean that they should have stopped the story at X instead of continuing it in X-2.
    [QUOTE=''_AbBaNdOn'']I am right at the end of X-2 i think but I have one more dress sphere to get and a bunch of outfits to master.


    Just be sure to make Yuna whisle, when she is in the Far Plane....
    X has a crappy story and X-2 story. X-2's combat is much faster paced, and the graphics of the two are basically the same.

    ShellShock nam '67 worth it???

    i was looking for some used PS2 games and i saw this, but i didnt know if it was worth it , and gamespot has mixed reviews from their 5.4 to the subscriber 7.4..... do you guys think its worth it?ShellShock nam '67 worth it???
    From my experiences with the game, bear in mind this was the xbox version, the game wasn't worth its weight in anything. Bland, boring, and somewhat buggy your better spending your money on something else.ShellShock nam '67 worth it???
    You can pick up Shellshock for a few bucks used at Gamestop. I would say it is well worth the $10 or so they may be asking for it! While it isn't a blockbuster hit, I really enjoyed the fact that for a smaller budget title that the artificial intelligence was actauallt pretty decent! Though at times the game can seem tedious and can make you mad because of bad camera angles, and difficult shots it was intense enough in certain parts to definately be worth a play through the game! I remember getting in the houses and people popping out from behind cover and shooting at point blank range the most! The area where you are in the forrest is pretty cool too!So I guess what I am getting at is, if you don't mind small bugs, and a slightly lower budget game, then you will enjoy this game. Just don't expect a blockbuster hit! I own over 1,200 games and I would recommend it to gamers that can look past the small things and see the bigger picture.
    [QUOTE=''WitIsWisdom'']So I guess what I am getting at is, if you don't mind small bugs, and a slightly lower budget game, then you will enjoy this game. Just don't expect a blockbuster hit! I own over 1,200 games and I would recommend it to gamers that can look past the small things and see the bigger picture.[/QUOTE]hmmmm thanks i think ill pick it up, have any morerecommendationsfor some cheap good worthwhile PS2 games? i would appreciate some help i want to make my collection bigger.

    So I guess what I am getting at is, if you don't mind small bugs, and a slightly lower budget game, then you will enjoy this game. Just don't expect a blockbuster hit! I own over 1,200 games and I would recommend it to gamers that can look past the small things and see the bigger picture.


    hmmmm thanks i think ill pick it up, have any morerecommendationsfor some cheap good worthwhile PS2 games? i would appreciate some help i want to make my collection bigger.[/QUOTE]

    I can recommend a few games at a slightly lower price if that is what you are looking for.

    1. Red Faction

    2. Gun

    3. Red Dead Revolver

    4. Evil Dead: A Fist Full of Boomstick

    5. Freedom Fighters

    6. James Bond 007: NightFire

    7. Max Payne

    8. Time Splitters: Future Perfect

    That's just a few shooters to get you going (keeping with the same theme) ! Any and all of these games I suggested, you shouldn't be upset about! In fact, A couple of the games I listed rate up there with my all time favorites!!! Good luck in your collecting, and stop by the CCU!! (Candid Collectors Union)! A bunch of great people there that collect games of all generations and consoles that would be happy to answer any more questions that you have!

    MediEvil and Spyro the Dragon

    Dear members,

    I recently downloaded Castlevania: SOTN on PSN and I am completely hooked. I've been wanting more PS1 classics ever since.

    So I was wondering, are MediEvil and Spyro the dragon worth the 5.99$? In terms of hours, how long should these games take to complete?

    Thank you for the help!MediEvil and Spyro the Dragon
    MediEvil is one of the greatest games ever but can probably be beaten fairly quickly. I'd say it's worth it, though, because it's fun enough to justify a second play-through. Spyro the Dragon is pretty long, and also fun, but they're both pretty different.But yeah, they're both worth it.MediEvil and Spyro the Dragon
    Both games are very good. Medievil should take around 5-7 hours while completing Spyro The Dragon (100% collecting all the treasure, freeing all the dragons, getting all the dragon eggs) will take closer to 10 hours.
    Medievil is okay, but Spyro The Dragon is better. If you like RPGs, I'd also recommend Suikoden.
    I just downloaded Spyro the other day and I'm going for 120% completion (yes it goes past 100). Great game.
    Both are great games and will last you around 8-10h each.

    I would recommend Spyro the most though.
    [This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
    I have many good childhood memories with both games.And yes, they are totally worth it.
    Spyro 1 is definitely worth the price and as for the length I dunno how long it took me but its got a good few hours for basic completion from start to finish. If I was to replay the game I would just get on with completing levels first and leave the gem collecting untill its needed. Then when you complete the game, reply the game and collect loads and loads of gems!
    [QUOTE=''liquidzero123'']Spyro 1 is definitely worth the price and as for the length I dunno how long it took me but its got a good few hours for basic completion from start to finish. If I was to replay the game I would just get on with completing levels first and leave the gem collecting untill its needed. Then when you complete the game, reply the game and collect loads and loads of gems![/QUOTE]Its more then a few hours. Even if I wanted to rush through it to the ending it would probably take me 5+ hours (about an hour per world sounds right) and that would net about 25% completion of the game.
    [QUOTE=''nVidiaGaMer''][QUOTE=''liquidzero123'']Spyro 1 is definitely worth the price and as for the length I dunno how long it took me but its got a good few hours for basic completion from start to finish. If I was to replay the game I would just get on with completing levels first and leave the gem collecting untill its needed. Then when you complete the game, reply the game and collect loads and loads of gems![/QUOTE]Its more then a few hours. Even if I wanted to rush through it to the ending it would probably take me 5+ hours (about an hour per world sounds right) and that would net about 25% completion of the game.[/QUOTE] Yeah that's kind of what I meant by a good few hours but I didn't want to put a number on it like you've done. A good playstation game that's for sure.
    Thank you for the replies :D

    I'll make sure I download both as soon as I'm done with Castlevania.
    Sypro 1 is great and will last you 5 - 10 hours(per playthrough) depending on how good you are at finding all the hidden treasure.
    I haven't played Spyro. But I know for a fact that MediEvil=win! Great game IMO, wish I still had a ps1 to play it on...
    [QUOTE=''Bubble_Man''] Medievil is okay, but Spyro The Dragon is better. If you like RPGs, I'd also recommend Suikoden.[/QUOTE]

    Suikoden is the best Psone download IMO.
    Medievil 1 is fantastic, while Medivul 2 suffers from camera angle issues.

    Spyro is spyro :D

    Favourite SNES puzzle games?

    For me there were 2 standouts, Tetris Attack followed by Wario's Woods.Others such as Pac-Attack and Kirby's Avalanche were alright but nothing special.What are your favourites?Favourite SNES puzzle games?
    I like my Tetris/Dr. Mario cartridge, though I like Dr. Mario more than Tetris.
    I haven't played many puzzle games on the SNES before, but Dr. Mario's music is awesome, and it's a pretty hard puzzle game.Favourite SNES puzzle games?
    Yeah i forgot about Tetris/Dr Mario, i also owned that. Multiplayer on that was great but overall the game was too short.
    tetris attack really was a genious of a game, its certainly one of the most competeivly intense games with my friends of my youth
    The Lost Vikings.
    1. Lost VIkings 22. Yoshi's cookies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I have only one puzzle game for SNES- Bust A Move.
    Tetris Attack without a doubt. Absolutely loved that game.
    I'm not sure.Was Bubble Bobble on the SNES?If not I can't remember as I didn't play too many puzzle games growing up.I do remember Bust a Move though!I also remember Zoop, but that is because it was not good at all.
    Tetris Attack. Hands-down.

    Commodore 64

    Does anyone here remember the old C64, those were the days, fun games, etcCommodore 64
    C64 was the first PC I played games on. I was very young so I don't remember much about it though.Commodore 64
    i wasn't around when it came out but i have played a few games on it such as Monty on the run, Lords of Midnight, jet set willy and attack of the mutant camels.
    Oh yeah I remember the Commodore. First shooter game I ever played was Green Berets for that outdated piece of junk back in the mid 90's. Rollerboard...Bulldog oh bulldog was the best arcade style space fighter game around. Garfield, Out of this World...oh yes I had a commodore with all the games ever imagined. Alas the floppies became worn down and we tossed it. Oh the ORIGINAL OREGON TRAIL WAS ON C64! Lol then I remember getting a TANDY 600 and I was like COLOR! Lol now I have a Dell and hardly PC game at all.
    Absolutely. The C64 was a huge gaming computer for a long time. There's tonnes of great games for it.

    Archon, Spy Hunter, Impossible Mission, Temple of Apshai, Aliens, the list goes on and on.
    Of course! The C64 started it all for me. It was actually my brother's, he had shoeboxes full of floppies. Forbidden Forest, Law of the West, High Noon, and of course Farmer's Daughter!!!
    [QUOTE=''garey017'']Of course! The C64 started it all for me. It was actually my brother's, he had shoeboxes full of floppies. Forbidden Forest, Law of the West, High Noon, and of course Farmer's Daughter!!![/QUOTE]

    Law of the west, YEAH! That game was great, and offered a sort of primitive non-linear gameplay.
    [QUOTE=''garey017''] Of course! The C64 started it all for me. It was actually my brother's, he had shoeboxes full of floppies. Forbidden Forest, Law of the West, High Noon, and of course Farmer's Daughter!!![/QUOTE]LOL, what was Farmer's Daughter about?
    [QUOTE=''gregbmil''][QUOTE=''garey017''] Of course! The C64 started it all for me. It was actually my brother's, he had shoeboxes full of floppies. Forbidden Forest, Law of the West, High Noon, and of course Farmer's Daughter!!![/QUOTE]LOL, what was Farmer's Daughter about?[/QUOTE]

    I think that one was a text based adventure.
    Yes, I liked several C64 games like Ghostbusters, Archon 1-2, Seven Cities of Gold, Impossible Mission, Jumpman, Jumpman Junior, Lode Runner, Karateka, Blue Max, Bounder Dash, Spy vs Spy 1-3, Summer Games 1-2, Winter Games, California Games, Skate or Die, others, I forgot.
    [QUOTE=''ebbderelict''][QUOTE=''gregbmil''][QUOTE=''garey017''] Of course! The C64 started it all for me. It was actually my brother's, he had shoeboxes full of floppies. Forbidden Forest, Law of the West, High Noon, and of course Farmer's Daughter!!![/QUOTE]LOL, what was Farmer's Daughter about?[/QUOTE] I think that one was a text based adventure. [/QUOTE]Right you are. The greatest text adventure ever. I did a brief review of it here.
    [QUOTE=''ebbderelict''][QUOTE=''garey017''] Of course! The C64 started it all for me. It was actually my brother's, he had shoeboxes full of floppies. Forbidden Forest, Law of the West, High Noon, and of course Farmer's Daughter!!![/QUOTE] Law of the west, YEAH! That game was great, and offered a sort of primitive non-linear gameplay.[/QUOTE]
    Forgive me for reviving such an old topic, but yes, I loved this system and it started gaming for me. I recommend Forbidden Forest, Summer Games, Gateway, Save New York, Roc N Wrestle, Friday the 13th, Henry's House and Impossible Mission. Here are 100 games in 10 minutes that show some of the finest C64 games ever to come out.
    There was so many quality games for the C64. I could make a long boring list of 30+ games that I loved but Arkanoid, Manic Miner, Boulderdash and The Way of the Exploding Fist were possibley my favourites.
    I never owned one (I went straight to the Amiga, same company) but I played it a lot at friends' places :D
    ye gots it.
    [QUOTE=''emagen1086'']ye gots it.[/QUOTE]

    [QUOTE=''DeafNYCPlayer'']Yes, I liked several C64 games like Ghostbusters, Archon 1-2, Seven Cities of Gold, Impossible Mission, Jumpman, Jumpman Junior, Lode Runner, Karateka, Blue Max, Bounder Dash, Spy vs Spy 1-3, Summer Games 1-2, Winter Games, California Games, Skate or Die, others, I forgot.[/QUOTE]

    I like your list! those games rocked.

    What was the first game that you played ...

    What was the first game that you played on-line if it was from the last generation? This can include the Dreamcast, and the PC from 1999-2005. :)The very first game that I played on-line was ATV Offroad Fury 3 for the PS2 (my first game for the system). Great memories. :DWhat was the first game that you played ...
    I remember clearly: Tony Hawks Underground for Ps2.

    Joined a clan and had the time of my life with that game. :D

    Best score was 130 million :)What was the first game that you played ...
    I think that would be Unreal Championship for Xbox. I got an Xbox, with some demo disc, and it had this whole thing on Xbox Live...I begged my parents to get high-speed internet, and they did, and then I got a subscription for Xbox Live. Those were the days. Most powerful.
    Everquest. Best MMORPG ever!
    Halo 2. Good times.....
    well i guess it would be halo only because i played it at a friends
    i think it was tony hawk proskater 4
    the first game I played online was quake back in 96,the first console game I played was NFL2K1 on the dreamcastback at launch in 2000 when the game released,good times
    probably phantasy star online for the DC... played it a friends house, the only game for a home-based (i.e. hooked up to tv console) since! i play on my PSP online all the time now. :D
    I played Dreamcast's Street Fighter Zero 3 at my friend's apartment. I forgot what name of Japanese player with Dan beat my Chun Li. ;_;

    I played SFZ3 for online as my first time.
    mine was Halo and Ratchet and CLank up your Arsenal (I forget which one I did first)
    Probably Halo 2. I remember buying a Live suscription right before the game came out.
    The first game I played online was Saturn Bomberman. The first game from last generation I played onlne was Chu-Chu Rocket.
    Ultima Online was my first online game.
    Mine was Unreal Tournament for the Dreamcast.
    [This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
    Syphon Filter: The Omega Strain on PS2. It was so fun back then.
    PGR2 for xbox and then Halo 2Madden 07 for ps2
    PC was Kingpin: Life of Crime, and Xbox was Halo 2.
    Socom US Navy Seals
  • maybelline
  • Which console had the most underapprecia ...

    Seriously, from what you've most experienced last gen on ANY console from that time, which did you think had the most underrated games? I thought the Gamecube had a lot underappreciated. People hated Tomy's Naruto: Clash of Ninja. Quite a bit of people judged Wind Waker, badly. And don't even get me started on how much I liked Urbz and Zatch Bell: Mamodo Battles.Which console had the most underapprecia ...
    I only own the Xbox from last-gen, so I feel I have to defend it to some degree. One of the criticisms of the Xbox is that it was only for FPSs and so forth. There were a lot more games available for it than mainstream affairs such as the FPS genre. Great action games like Otogi and Otogi 2 flew by under the radar. That's part of th reason that I'm still gaming on the Xbox and gaining more and more games in my collection.Which console had the most underapprecia ...
    [QUOTE=''muthsera666'']I only own the Xbox from last-gen, so I feel I have to defend it to some degree. One of the criticisms of the Xbox is that it was only for FPSs and so forth. There were a lot more games available for it than mainstream affairs such as the FPS genre. Great action games like Otogi and Otogi 2 flew by under the radar. That's part of th reason that I'm still gaming on the Xbox and gaining more and more games in my collection.[/QUOTE]For me Thats not abad thing I love fps
    *looks at the huge mound of PS2 games that were supposed to be ''artistic'' masterpieces but I found to be junk and I know I will get flamed for naming by their fans*Okay, it's not the PS2...*looks at the two Halo games on the old XBOX, which were great, but definitely weren't underappreciated, and Star Wars:KOTOR, which was fun before I tried Neverwinter Nights, after which I thought it was pretty overrated*And it's not the XBOX...*looks at Fire Emblem, Mario Kart:Double Dash and Super Mario Sunshine, all of whom disappointed me, and Luigi's Mansion, which was okay at first, but...*And it's not the Gamec-
    *sees Mario Power Tennis, Kirby Air Ride, Phantasy Star Online 1 and 2 and Mario Superstar Baseball*Oh, it IS the Gamecube! =D
    I found lots of the ''better'' PS2 games to not actually be that great compared to the other systems' games. From that list I'd have to say Gamecube definitely, but you left off the Sega Dreamcast which is the best system of last gen.
    Game Cube. PS2 was waaay overrated.
    I'll say the GC. I enjoyed it very much, and it had a lot of great games that were overlooked.The PS2 has so many games that even if there are some underrated gems, it has an equal amount or more of great games that did get attention. I can't say much for the Xbox. I had the system, but just never built up my collection enough to discover some good games.
    [QUOTE=''treedoor'']I found lots of the ''better'' PS2 games to not actually be that great compared to the other systems' games. From that list I'd have to say Gamecube definitely, but you left off the Sega Dreamcast which is the best system of last gen.[/QUOTE]

    Dreamcast was the gen witn N64 and PSOne.
    [QUOTE=''nintendoboy16''][QUOTE=''treedoor'']I found lots of the ''better'' PS2 games to not actually be that great compared to the other systems' games. From that list I'd have to say Gamecube definitely, but you left off the Sega Dreamcast which is the best system of last gen.[/QUOTE] Dreamcast was the gen witn N64 and PSOne.[/QUOTE]The Saturn was the gen with N64 and PS1, so no. Dreamcast was last gen.
    The most original and underappreciated console/games was the Xbox. Ps2 and gamecube were great but they had alot of sequel games and had been in the business a gen before.. Xbox brought a whole new experience with the online play for games and really drove online play for all of the other consoles. Without Xbox doing well the 360 wouldnt be around. Halo did what Goldeneye did for the N64.
    gc had no doubt little attention as a whole because of rumors,see what you did fanboys, you ruined gaming,
    [QUOTE=''mariokart64fan'']gc had no doubt little attention as a whole because of rumors,see what you did fanboys, you ruined gaming,[/QUOTE]

    ...You're one to talk. XD You went on the 360 boards and said the 360 was junk and the Wii was better because the Wii had more sales. And I don't think it was because of rumors, it was because of the certain overrated PS2 games. =P
    [QUOTE=''scouttrooperbob''][QUOTE=''muthsera666'']I only own the Xbox from last-gen, so I feel I have to defend it to some degree. One of the criticisms of the Xbox is that it was only for FPSs and so forth. There were a lot more games available for it than mainstream affairs such as the FPS genre. Great action games like Otogi and Otogi 2 flew by under the radar. That's part of th reason that I'm still gaming on the Xbox and gaining more and more games in my collection.[/QUOTE]

    For me Thats not abad thing I love fps[/QUOTE]

    I'm not saying the amount of FPSs was a problem; I love them too. I just meant that the assumption that those were the only games was bad.
    Of those GC, but as far as last gen goes DC by far
    The only underappreciated console of last gen is the Gamecube.
    Obviously the GameCube....I gotta say though it was one of the best consoles ever. Highly Under-rated.
    I think the Gamecube had the most underrated games from last gen. It had so many good games but not many people noticed them. :(
    I'd say the XBOX, plenty of good games that alotta' people are barely even aware of there existance.

    Can anyone list rare PS2 games?

    The other day I was walking around GameStop and stumbled upon Bloody Roar 4, I decided not to get it due to bad reviews and because I had something else to buy in mind. I come home to find that although the game has mixed reviews, it's super hard to find (at least what most people here say.)

    Anyways, what are some rare games that I SHOULD pick up the moment I see it in the store? Also Is Breath of Fire V: Dragon Quarter one of them? My GameStop currently has one in stock and I had never seen them have it in stock.Can anyone list rare PS2 games?
    Ring of red is one of em~ i cant find a copy anywhere!Can anyone list rare PS2 games?
    Shadow of Colossus is pretty Hard to come by
    [QUOTE=''sAndroid17'']Shadow of Colossus is pretty Hard to come by[/QUOTE]

    No i think that is pretty common my stores always have them....
    [QUOTE=''xmen1414''][QUOTE=''sAndroid17'']Shadow of Colossus is pretty Hard to come by[/QUOTE]

    No i think that is pretty common my stores always have them....[/QUOTE]Yes, Shadow of the Colossus is easy to find over here.
    Hmmmm..... Rare Games.......The 1st edition of the 1st manhunt is quite hard to get hold of... Actually now I think about it GTA: San Andreas without the ''Cold Coffee'' Mod is quite damn hard too! Cant think of anything else.... :(
    Manhunt 1 and the unedited San Andreas, huh?
    Shin Megami Tensei: NocturneSells for full price or more on Amazon.
    Marvel VS CapcomGoes for over 80 bucks used at gamestop!
    Ico, it's hard to find.. But I'm sure some people might be able to find it.. That's the only PS2 game I think might be hard to find. Otherwise, in egenral of PS games I'd say FFVII.
    I'm guessing you mean rare in the US or Europe, since in Japan hardly any PS2 games are hard to find.In that case I'd mention: Anubis: Zone of the Enders, Rez, ICo, Suikoden III. Anubis and Rez got reprints from what I understand, but I'd guess they're probably still rare to find.
    Reprints? What's that mean exactly?
    Okami is kind of rare in my gamestop. Took me 1/2 a year to find my copy.
    [QUOTE=''DarkR34p3r'']Reprints? What's that mean exactly?[/QUOTE]Means that their publishers sent a new batch of copies to retalers.
    Shin Megami Tensei: NocturneOther Shin Megami Tensei games... ICOIkarugaREZDiagaeaif you just google'd it you woulda found a bunch of answers as well -___- because this question is constantly being asked.
    [QUOTE=''Spirit_Warriors'']Shin Megami Tensei: NocturneOther Shin Megami Tensei games... ICOIkarugaREZDiagaeaif you just google'd it you woulda found a bunch of answers as well -___- because this question is constantly being asked. [/QUOTE]Ikaruga wasn't released for the Playstation 2.
    Marvel vs Capcom 2 is pretty hard to find. I bought it brand new for $40 when I was younger then I played it so much I got tired of it and sold it to Gamestop for $25 :cry:. I did see a copy of it there on Xbox the other day for $60 though.
    MGS 2 Subsitance is pretty hard to find i managed to sell a second hand copy on ebay for 25 quid and i payed 1.99 for it from gamestation :D
    Let s see.
    Lets see. There'sIco
    Marvel Vs. Capcom 2

    Do you like any of the past Generations ...

    Well do you?Do you like any of the past Generations ...
    Brand for brand:Wii > GC360 > XboxAs for PS3 vs PS2 idk. PS2 is maybe the greatest system of all time. PS3 has the same potential, so I'm not too sure about commenting on that yet.Do you like any of the past Generations ...
    I liked all the past generations more than the current. This generation is like some hot blondes; pretty to look at, but not much personality. In past generations, developers seemed to put more effort into the actual game-play. With the obsession of graphics and ''cinematics,'' a lot of game series have lost what originally made them great (especially RPGs).
    yes.. ive liked every past generation more than this current gen
    You can't compare them IMO, the new gen are all about online gaming and playing with friends all over the world, the older gen systems were awesome but offered a completely different experience. I will always love my NES (Mario 3 and Paper Boy), my Genesis (Sonic 2 and Earthworm Jim), my Saturn (Nights and Virtua Fighter), and my Dreamcast (Top Spin Tennis and MDK2), in their own special way.
    Topic: Do you like any of the past Generations of systems more than the current?I loved the Nintendo 64 generation because N64 was awesome with mario kart 64 and super smahs bros and perfect dark.gamecube gen was awesome with halo 2 and smash bros melee.i think my fav gen is the current one though because of Halo 3 and MArio Kart Wii and Brawl.. and the Nintendo DS with Mario Kart DS.
    NES = best system ever.PS2 = 2nd best system everSNES = 3rd best system ever
    No thatis impossible.

    with the more graphics and online play and hd display

    current gen consoles will always rule..

    but i will always have a special place for ps2 in my gaming life *sniff..Sniff*
    I think the PS2 era was the best. Between the new ps2 games and being able to play old ps1 games it had the single largest library of software of any console to date. I dont think the hardware ages very well though specifically the controllers. I've ruined the sticks of two controllers just from normal use. I dont even know if i could find a new controller now and the more i play my ps2 games the worse its going to get. I wish some third party would make some hardcore super tough controllers.

    The current generation just doesnt have the quantity of titles like the old days. Sure each console has a handful of really special games but wtf. I dont plop down hard earned cash and potentially pay a monthly fee just for a handful of games.
    Dreamcast and the ps2 FTW
    Yes, current generation consoles have potential but for now anyway I liked several consoles more than the current.
    i play my nes more then my 360. so yes.
    1st Snes2nd Dreamcast
    3rd Nes

    [QUOTE=''Bubble_Man'']I liked all the past generations more than the current. This generation is like some hot blondes; pretty to look at, but not much personality. In past generations, developers seemed to put more effort into the actual game-play. With the obsession of graphics and ''cinematics,'' a lot of game series have lost what originally made them great (especially RPGs).[/QUOTE]AGREED! 60$=4hrs of gameplay :cry:
    well out side wii, the xbox and ps2 are better then the 360 and ps3,the wii is definatelly a big improvment because1 motion controls, over traditional controls2 the better 3ritd party support ,3 its game library had already doubled the gc library and is still going strong,4=not if you care the sales are actually nintendos 2nd best, out of the home consoles, its last goal - 62 million - that will put it past the nes,the other consoles on the other hand = to many fpses , not that much variety when compared to the xbox and ps2 which has a better varietybest gen - n64 /last gen then this gen
    I tend to play my older consoles jus because they are a piece of my childhood, some games I wanted but never had back then, it amazes people that I keep all my consoles+games,and my damn 360 always breaks down so yeah Im just going to wait till i get more money and buy anarcade in the meantime im just going to break out my older systems
    I still like my dreamcast best of all *recalls Sonic Adventure happily* but I think the main reason for this is because it was the first console I ever had and had some awesome games on it :)

    But I think if my former self had the choice between dreamcast and PS3 he would definately choose the latter, you can't beat online play :)
    Yes.I like the SNES more than all because it truly is the greatest console ever created.
    I have an Atari and a Dreamcast plugged in to my TV right now. Do I like them more than my 360 or PS3? Nope, I just love video games.

    Genesis Classics

    I have a ton of Genesis games and there are some games that are hard to find since there classics and no one wants to sell them to stores example being Sonic 3 or something. I need help thinking of all the classics I don't have.WHAT I HAVE...

    Air Diver
    Barkley: Shut Up and Jam!
    Chuck Rock II: Son of Chuck
    College Slam
    Dinosaurs for Hire
    The Jungle Book
    Earthworm Jim
    Ecco The Dolphin
    F-15 Strike Eagle II
    FIFA International Soccer
    Garfield: Caught In The Act
    Ghouls 'n Ghosts
    Greatest Heavyweights
    Jordan vs. Bird
    Jungle Strike
    Jurassic Park
    Lakers vs. Celtics and the NBA Playoffs
    Last Battle
    Lethal Enforcers
    The Lost Word: Jurassic Park
    Madden NFL 97
    Menacer 6-Game Cartridge
    Mortal Kombat
    Ms. Pac-Man
    NBA Jam
    NBA Live '95
    NBA Live '96
    NBA Live 97
    NFL Sports Talk Football '93
    NHL 96
    PGA Tour Golf II
    Ranger X
    Road Rash II
    Samurai Shodown
    Shinobi III
    Sonic Spinball
    Sonic 1
    Sonic 2
    Sports Talk Baseball
    Street Fighter II: Champion Verison
    Sunset Riders
    Taz in Escape From Mars
    T2: Arcade Game
    Tiny Toon Adventures: ACME All-Stars
    Toy Story
    WWF Royal Rumble
    Wheel of Fortune
    Winter Challenge
    Winter Olympic Games

    Games I thought of...Altered Beast
    Sonic the Hedgehog 3
    Comix Zone
    Shinobi IAny help is welcomed.Genesis Classics
    Evander Holyfield Real Deal BoxingToe Jam and Earl 1 %26 2Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and the Hyperstone HeistShining Force 1 %26 2Genesis Classics
    sonic and knuckles that was a must for genesis
    sonic 3
    enternal champtions
    mortal komat 3
    Castle of Illusion



    [QUOTE=''DeafNYCPlayer'']Castle of Illusion Ghostbusters Shadowrun M.U.S.H.A.[/QUOTE]

    I love me some M.U.S.H.A. Aleste. I'm surprised no one said Phantasy Star. Best turn-based RPG I've played.
    Yes to Sonic 3! Yes yes yes! And if you're looking for a unique Zelda clone, try Crusader of Centy.
    Sonic 3
    Sonic Spinball
    Sonic %26 Knuckles
    Toejam %26 Earl
    Dynamite Headdy
    Micro Machines Turbo Tournament '96
    Gunstar Heroes
    Earthworm Jim 2
    Virtua Racing
    Streets of Rage/Streets of Rage 2
    Why didnt you mention one of the best games ever M.U.S.H.A Aleste!?:evil: Mutant league football, deomolition man, rocket night adventures. Why did you leave out sonic 3?
    THIS :D
    Come on dude how can you call alot of those classics or even good?? Click on NES in my signature and then scroll down to the bottom to see my fav genesis titles.
    i think that's just the list of all the games he owns, classic or not, and he just wants to know what good games there are that he hasn't got
    All here are all the games that have recommended, Altered Beast

    Comix Zone

    Sonic the Hedgehog 3

    Shinobi 1

    Shinobi 2

    Evander Holyfield Real Deal Boxing

    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Hyperstone Heist

    Toe Jam and Earl 1

    Toe Jam and Earl 2

    Shining Force 1

    Shining Force 2

    Sonic and Knuckles

    Enternal champtions

    Mortal Kombat 2

    Mortal Kombat 3

    Castle of Illusion




    Phantasy Star

    Crusader of Centy

    Micro Machines Turbo Tournament '96

    Dynamite Headdy

    Gunstar Heroes

    Earthworm Jim 2

    Virtua Racing

    Streets of Rage 1

    Streets of Rage 2

    Virtua Fighter 2

    Mutant League Football/Hockey

    Hard Driven'

    M1 Abrahms Tank


    D%26D: Warriors of the Eternal Sun

    Deomolition Man

    Rocket Night Adventures

    Shinobi 3Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3NBA HangtimeGunstar HeroesSonic %26 KnucklesX-Men 2: Clone Wars
    [QUOTE=''Rainbow_Lion'']THIS :D[/QUOTE]I wouldn't trust that review on the box. Come on, it's suggesting that Ecco was actually good :P:|!
    [QUOTE=''SegaGenesisfan'']Why didnt you mention one of the best games ever M.U.S.H.A Aleste!?:evil:

    Mutant league football, deomolition man, rocket night adventures.

    Why did you leave out sonic 3?

    [/QUOTE]I thought you quoted me for a second when you said M.U.S.H.A. Aleste. lol Best upscrolling arcade shooter I know of.

    Looking for a good fighting game...

    Whats a good fighting game for the PS2 (i.e tekken bloody roar soul caliber etc.) that lets you level up your characters??? kind of like how dynasty warriors does???thank you :DLooking for a good fighting game...
    Yakuza 1 %26 2 ?????Looking for a good fighting game...
    Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution
    Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution and The King of Fighters XI.
    Soul Calibur III
    [QUOTE=''colecoavenger'']Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution and The King of Fighters XI.[/QUOTE]this
    Try Soul Calibur
    Ok i will try all of those except Virtua Fighter 4 and soul caliber :D (have them both lol and all the old Virtua Fighters too :D ) but king of fighters??? never knew that :Dthanks :D
    I'm not sure if Mortal Kombat: Deception lets you level up your characters, but it's a very good fighting game. I'm not sure if it has online play either.
    Soul Calibur 2.
    TEKKEN TAG TOURNEAMENT ,king of fighters 98:ultimate match,street fighter 3: third strike,virtua fighter 4:evolution and I think soul calibur 2 also warrant a mention but stay the hell away from soul caliber 3 and 4

    Anyone Remember How Much Nintendo Crappe ...

    The GBA treated Nintendo VERY well in its life span, coming out with 4 versions? (GBA, GBASP, GBA super bright screen version, GBAMicro) Then when the DS came out, Nintendo was like '' dont worry fellas, the DS is the third pillar, its not gonna replace the GBA ever!'' well... its been a few years now, and the GBA is pretty much dead...who here as some good memories of the GBA to share and totally wants another Game Boy to come out?Anyone Remember How Much Nintendo Crappe ...
    The gba is one of my favourite consoles and my favourite handheld (although I'm fond of my PSP)
    The colours were vibrant and I finished almost every game I own for it.
    Especially Golden Sun, Yoshi's Island, Mario Kartand the Castlevania's will remain in my gaming memory.Anyone Remember How Much Nintendo Crappe ...
    I wouldnt say they crapped on it. It had a good lifespan. Besides being able to play GBA games on the DS is good enough for me.
    GBA was awesome. Ahh... nostalgia.
    Crapped on it? More like fed off it.
    ive just bought a gba micro, and i love it. i bought it for golden sun and sword of mana, but as of yet i still havent picked them up yet. but astro boy and wario land are more then tiding me over till i do get them. only things is i want a black faceplate, where the hell do you buy them from ? and please dont tell me the nintendo website because they dont ship to the UK. i read that they were gonna release loads of them for the micro. but i cant find any.
    The GBA advance became outdated quick with the release of the PSP and DS plus the DS could play GBA games.

    I would not mind a new Good GBA game, but even then they could just make it into a DS game.
    Nintendo tried to keep the GBA, alive why else would they come out with a bright screen and a micro. The developers and gamers just moved on to the next thing. it seems the gba took a slide in game flow in 06 when the ds and psp hit thier stride.
    all of you guys seem to forget that the DS wasnt supposed to replace the gameboy NAME. id downright love it if nintendo decided to release another Gameboy, which would probably be compareable to the PSP, especially since the DSi wont be playing our GBA games.
    Really it depends on the consumer more then the developer on how long a console will stick around. Pretty much everyone moved to DS so the demand moved to games for that platform.I still love GBA though. Golden Sun, Fire Emblem and the Castlevania still get some play these days.........just on my DS:P.
    [QUOTE=''joesh89'']ive just bought a gba micro, and i love it. i bought it for golden sun and sword of mana, but as of yet i still havent picked them up yet. but astro boy and wario land are more then tiding me over till i do get them. only things is i want a black faceplate, where the hell do you buy them from ? and please dont tell me the nintendo website because they dont ship to the UK. i read that they were gonna release loads of them for the micro. but i cant find any.[/QUOTE]

    Astro Boy Omega Factor is the greatest handheld game period.[QUOTE=''TheColbert'']The GBA advance became outdated quick with the release of the PSP and DS plus the DS could play GBA games. I would not mind a new Good GBA game, but even then they could just make it into a DS game.[/QUOTE]

    I could not disagree more.
    The Advance Wars and Pokemon games gave me absolute joy. GBA I adore you
    i feel ya on this but hey look at the bright side at least the gameboy lasted and outsold pretty much any portable console since its release in 1989
    I thought thew GBA was a great system, and relatively good for it's time I don't think Nintendo 'crapped' at all with this system. The game boy micro on the other hand... Nuff Said.
    [QUOTE=''Goobberzz'']I thought thew GBA was a great system, and relatively good for it's time I don't think Nintendo 'crapped' at all with this system. The game boy micro on the other hand... Nuff Said.[/QUOTE]

    nope, when the GBA was still new stuff, it was golden. but then the DS was released, not to take over the Game Boy, but work along side it. several years later... no more Game Boy. Period. I'm just saying, nintendo should stick to their word and not let the DS replace the Game Boy.
    Yeah well maybe the PSP had something to do with shortening the GBA lifespan but honestly there was little doubt to me that the DS was simply going to to be the GBA's replacement. It just happened rather abruptly.
    I don't know. From what I know DS stands for Developer's System, so I think the Nintendo DS was an attempt at a different set of games the GBA couldn't play, but developers still made games the GBA could play for the DS, so the DS just took over completely.
    Personally I REALLY hope they bring back the Gameboy name. Obviously there won't ever be two handheld systems from Nintendo, so just go back to Gameboy, and everyone will love you again :)At least Gameboy was a franchise name whereas the Nintendo DS doesn't really have a franchise name other than the company + 2 letters
    A gameboy advance or DS that has a case that's designed for adults with large hands would be cool. Think about the people who bought a Virtual Boy, talking about making you grab your ankles.
    There hasn't been a release in ages, but that console has so many good games you're likely to have missed a lot of them!
    They should have kept the DS as a second pillar.
  • maybelline
  • Name your favorite game designers

    Who are your favorite game designers? If you feel like stretching the definition a bit and include game musicians, artists and such, go ahead :DMy favorite (in random order):- Shigeru Miyamoto (Mario, Zelda, Metroid... you know)- Alexei Pajitnov (Tetris!)- Hideo Kojima (Metal Gear Solid, Policenauts)- Tim Schafer (Monkey Island, Day of the Tentacle, Grim Fandango, Psychonauts)Let's do it!

    So I bought luigi's mansion from Gamesto ...

    It was used and I bought it on their sale weekend. I got home threw away the receipt (I'm not the most responsible kid) and it turns out that my wii can't read the disc. I've cleaned it a bunch of times but it still doesn't work. I've even emailed customer service about my disappointment. Can I still get a refund (customer service pretty much said I can't).So I bought luigi's mansion from Gamesto ...
    Well you could always go back and beg and hope that the person remembers you.I am pretty sure plenty of people threw away their receipts by mistake before.Good luck.So I bought luigi's mansion from Gamesto ...
    I doubt it. I had problems with Brothers In Arms a while back, and even though I was just exchanging the disc for a new one they still asked for the receipt.
    [QUOTE=''Legendaryscmt'']I doubt it. I had problems with Brothers In Arms a while back, and even though I was just exchanging the disc for a new one they still asked for the receipt.[/QUOTE]Well sometimes it depends on who you are talking to,and how you make a scene.....I mean talk to them.
    i think it depends on what kind of gamestop you went to. if it was a nice little gamestop with like 3 people working there,(wich i think is all there reallyis) they might remember you. as long as you have some sort of different physical feature or something like cool hair or something.
    Call them up, explain the situation, ask them if they remember you, and beg. That's all you can really do.
    find thereceipt

    Ever beat Back to the Future NES?

    Most of us have probably seen enough videos on Youtube about how awful that game was, and yes it certainly had its faults. But I do remember playing and finding the game pretty hard trying to make it all the way to the end. Hill Valley was certainly a bad place to be, and I can't say that i ever beat it myself. The farthest I got was the High School level where Marty has to block all of his Mom's kisses being blown at him. I couldn't make it past that point and I really wanted to just to get to be able to drive the Deloreane. For those of you who played it, how far did you get in the game and where you one of the lucky ones to actually beat it? Feel free to share any thoughts on the game and your experiences.Ever beat Back to the Future NES?
    Never knew there was one, goes to show that even the excellent Back to the Future films will spawn terrible games. I played Back To The Future 2 and 3 on the old Amstrad 6128 Plus back in the 90s, completed Back to the Future 2, that was a tough game, never managed to complete 3 due to a glitch it had on the first level where no matter what you did, you couldn't avoid the luggage killing you.R/TEver beat Back to the Future NES?
    never played it, but i did play back to the future 3 on mega drive. and the first level with the horses, yea i never beat it :(
    I never played the first one, although I did play Back to the Future 2 %26 3 on my friend's NES many years ago. From what I remember it was a very tedious game. There were a lot of long confusing mazes and weird enemies that look like they came from a Mario game. I was never able to get through to Part 3... Overall, it was pretty strange and didn't follow the movies very well.

    what would you do...........?

    i just bought a gamecube from gamestation and the condition is so bad, its got scrates all over it and the intake vent is all broken and cracked , the contoller left thumbstick has been bittin (looks like by a animal) and its all dirty and scratched , cant belive they sold me somethin in that condition ,do i have rights to take it back and get a refund or exchange?what would you do?what would you do...........?
    Were you allowed to look at it before purchase? Take a look at their policies for your rights.what would you do...........?
    [QUOTE=''ENDOT12123'']i just bought a gamecube from gamestation and the condition is so bad, its got scrates all over it and the intake vent is all broken and cracked , the contoller left thumbstick has been bittin (looks like by a animal) and its all dirty and scratched , cant belive they sold me somethin in that condition ,

    do i have rights to take it back and get a refund or exchange?

    what would you do?[/QUOTE]

    I hate..........scrates.....;)...........too

    As for gamestation,I quote Weird Al Yankovic...............''SUE!'' Just try and get a refund and look for any disclaimers on the sight.
    all pre-owned consoles bought from gamestation come with a one year warranty, infact you should have a written warranty from them. i did when i bought my dreamcast. and they write down the condition of everything you recieve on the warranty when they give it you.
    [QUOTE=''ENDOT12123'']I cant belive they sold me something in that condition[/QUOTE]

    I can't believe you BOUGHT something in that condition. Anyway, ask for a refund, and try to look pissed as you do.
    [QUOTE=''Black_Knight_00''][QUOTE=''ENDOT12123'']I cant belive they sold me something in that condition[/QUOTE] I can't believe you BOUGHT something in that condition. Anyway, ask for a refund, and try to look pissed as you do.[/QUOTE] i didnt look at it before they sold it me as i trusted them not to sell me suttin lookin like how it does, im taking it back 2day for a reufund tho,few weeks ago my lil bro bought a pre-owned 360 from the same place and it was faulty, i swear down that shop sucks for pre owned crap
    I bought a 2nd hand GameCube at GameStation a long while ago and returned it within 5 minutes after seeing the condition. They tried so hard no to allow me to return it and even offered me another console. I assume that this is how the staff are trained to deal with such matters. However, if you ask to speak to the manager, their policy is simply that the customer is always right and will accept your return of the console with no arguement.
    [QUOTE=''Raiko101'']I bought a 2nd hand GameCube at GameStation a long while ago and returned it within 5 minutes after seeing the condition. They tried so hard no to allow me to return it and even offered me another console. I assume that this is how the staff are trained to deal with such matters. However, if you ask to speak to the manager, their policy is simply that the customer is always right and will accept your return of the console with no arguement.[/QUOTE] thnx, i got a refund earlier today, i just said it didnt work, its the last time i buy a preowned console from there before checking it over 1st,
    Yeah. It's always best to ask to see it all before you hand any money over. :)
    I suggest you take it back and complain until you get what you want.
    Take it back and get a refund. Why did you buy it anyway??
    if i cant send it back then sue gamestation but that place isnt where i livei would have gone to game crazy or gamestop to get a gcn but i dont need to because i got a gcn and a wii
    yeah, always take a look at what you are buying. Any place that sells used systems want to get them out of the store as soon as possible. They don't care if they sell you crap half the time.

    Older Final Fantasies and Replay Value.. ...

    Does anybody play these older games anymore and do anything special to make them have a higher replay value other than just making sure you complete all side quests and stuff?I just finished FF7 a few weeks ago and am playing FF8 again in the middle of this stretch with no games coming out that I'm especially interested in.Older Final Fantasies and Replay Value.. ...
    the original ff for nes has awesome replay value due to the difficulty alone (assuming you don't grind ridiculously)Older Final Fantasies and Replay Value.. ...
    I thought Final Fantasy X had tons of replay value. Played through it many many times.
    I played through FF 2 for the SNES a few years back (I think its FF4 in Japan, something weird like that).I found it a lot of fun, but I only played through it once, so I guess the replay value is low - still worth the 12 bucks.
    I definitely have played practically all of the ''older''(I'm assuming you mean pre-FFVII?) FF's. I'm not really sure of replay value, because I only ever have time to play through each game once. It turns out that the older FF's are my favorites, especially FFI. From what others have told me, FFI and FFII have some replay value. I know in FFI(for the psp version) you have to beat the game more than once to unlock some special stuff I guess. FFVII also has some replay value, as well as FFXII. There's so much to do in FFXII it's unbelievable...
    The PSX Final Fantasies had more replay value because of the open world to explore and do side quests in; they were also better gamesto begin with, IMO.
    Out of the old Final Fantasy's I recommend Final Fantasy VI. Final Fantasy I is hard, lacks story and is for only the hardcore fan. FFII and III are pretty much the same way, so if you want a challenge then that is the way to go. FFIV and VI have the best story of the old school FFs and they offer a pretty fair challenge.

    your favorite StreetFighter game / chara ...

    hello my legacy peeps..okay, i'l start with memine is and forever will be street fighter: 3rd strike, just simply for the perry system in that series alone.the perry system brought something cool and new to fighting games, making it tough to master but once you did your pretty much unstopableit required precise timing with the joystick..i could always perrys ryu's hoduken super move! lol..and my fav character would be alex (just for that series tho) he had a mix between CQC and semi long range moves (abel reminds me of him alot) now im curious, what was/is your favorite SF game and character from the poll above^your favorite StreetFighter game / chara ...
    zo my god street fighter 4 and ken the eagle from tatsunoko vs capcomyour favorite StreetFighter game / chara ...
    Chun Li Street Fighter II Turbo FTW!
    I actually prefer the original Street Fighter 2 Turbo. Wasted so many quarters on that machine. Have to say that my fave character is probably Mega Man from Marvel Vs. Capcom though :P.
    A tie between Sf3s and CvsSNK2
    I'll stick with SF2 and Ryu.
    I've only played Street Fighter 2 Turbo and Street Fighter IV, so my choices are limited. I'll go with SFIV though because it's accesible to newbs like me, and it's so darned fun despite me being terrible at it. I also like the ''quicker'' pace of the fights.As far as characters, I don't know all of them, but I really like Sakura and Cammy. Sakura is so fun to use!
    Street Fighter Alpha 3 is by far my favorite. My favorite character is Sagat.
    Street Fighter Alpha series.
    The only characters I don't use are E. Honda and M. Bison.
    I like Street Fighter 4 a lot, but I also like the Vs Series.
    My fav chars are Balrog, Bison, Akuma and Ken
    stf2: turbo and alpha 2 !!!!!!!RYU!!!!!!

    SFII: The World Warriors and Capcom vs. SNK 2 are the games I like more and still play once in a while.Fav.character: Ken Masters
    [QUOTE=''Nintendo_Man'']I'll stick with SF2 and Ryu.[/QUOTE]

    Same as that. Ryu is a perfect character.
    [QUOTE=''Nintendo_Man'']I'll stick with SF2 and Ryu.[/QUOTE]
    alpha 2, sakura.
    Street Fighter Alpha 3, Sagat is my number one fighter.
    Streety II %26 Ryu.
    My favorite is Street Fighter Alpha 2 and I guess Chun Li is probably my fav character.
  • maybelline
  • Best/Favourite Developer

    What's your favourite developer.
    Mine would be Capcom.

    Runners up: Nintendo and NamcoBest/Favourite Developer
    Capcom, Nintendo, KonamiBest/Favourite Developer
    [QUOTE=''valgear'']Capcom, Nintendo, Konami[/QUOTE]Same
    Square Enix (but their rehashes are really pissing me off) , Capcom, Konami, SCEA, Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Epic games, Nintendo - all great developers.
    [QUOTE=''Gohansephiroth''][QUOTE=''valgear'']Capcom, Nintendo, Konami[/QUOTE]Same[/QUOTE]Mine too
    in more recent times: Monolith, Remedy, Atlus
    Atlus is fantastic. They consistently put out fun, interesting games.
    Nintendo. People seem to be hating on them lately but nobody's more original or innovative in the world of gaming than Nintendo. Rare used to be amazing, and I really liked Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts%26Bolts. I've really never payed much attention to developers, really, so I'm not sure my opinion really matters. It never seems to.
    Capcom and id.
    [QUOTE=''chocolate1325''][QUOTE=''Gohansephiroth''][QUOTE=''valgear'']Capcom, Nintendo, Konami[/QUOTE]Same[/QUOTE]Mine too[/QUOTE]

    everyone agrees.
    NC-softmonolith (before they made F.E.A.R)sierra
    Capcom! I also like Enix (yes, Enix back when they were just Enix.)
    Konami, 573suffice to say Metal Gear Solid.
    Sony,Square Enix,Capcom,Atlus
    Capcom, EA games, Nintendo, Harmonix

    Valve,Capcom,Square Enix..Microsoft Maybe :D

    List Is Way Longer,But I Thought I Shorted It A Little :)
    Nintendo, Namco, Monolith, and Square.
    .....Square-enix, Sega, Volition Inc, Konami, Bandai-Namco, KOEI, NIS. Those are some of the developers I absoutely love because they either pump out high quality games consistantly like Square-Enix or just make games that have tremendous replay value. Phantasy Star Universe, Azure Dreams, Saint's Row, Vagrant Story, Dynasty/Samurai Warriors, .Hack, Xenosaga, Soul Calibur, Uncharted Waters, god only knows what else I dont follow developers as much as I should.

    I would love to put capcom in there but thier games are just to arcadey. Everything in their games has to revolve around points or time limits or some stupid objective, or is just overly difficult so just playing becomes the challenge.
    Square Enix, Atlus, Capcom, Nintendo, Nippon Ichi and Bioware.

    Fixing the orginal SOCOM headset (help n ...

    Hello people yes im trying to fix my orginal SOCOM headset i know its old but i only need it for a wile longer untill i get my bluetooth headset. right now i dont quite know were to re-sawter the wires, theres a black one and a white one dissconected can anyone tell and possably show me were to attach them?

    Top 3 ps1 games?

    Well the title is self explanitory so just tell me your top 3 favoriteps1 no particular order mine are Crash Bandicoot, Twisted Metal, and SpyroTop 3 ps1 games?
    Fear Effect 2

    Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver

    Syphon FilterTop 3 ps1 games?
    1. Final Fantasy VII
    2. Metal Gear Solid
    3. Gran Turismo 2
    Azure Dreams, Vagrant Story, X-com UFO Defense
    Ace Combat 2Road RashTwisted Metal
    My top 3 would consist of Final fantasy 7, 8 and 9, so to give other games a chance:

    1. Metal Gear Solid

    2. Soul Reaver

    3. Silent Bomber

    Time Crisis just missed number 3.
    1 need for speed 3 hot pursuit2 driver 23 the world is not enough 007
    1. Final Fantasy 9 and 7
    2. Hogs of War
    3. Tekken 3

    No real order,'s a list of my favorites(I couldn't narrow it down to 3):Final Fantasy 7Final Fantasy 9Strider 2Crash Bandicoot 3Spyro 3Crash Team Racing
    1. Metal Gear Solid
    2. Syphon Filter
    3. Need for Speed

    I dunno maybe Final Fantasy 8, Resident Evil 2 and Fear Effect. Loads of good games for it.
    I'd have to say...Tomb Raider
    Final Fantasy 7
    Legacy of Kain: Blood Omen
    Tekken 3

    Final Fantasy VII

    Castlevania SYN
    1. Medal of Honor Underground

    2. Medal of Honor

    3. Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2

    i say 4crash bandicoot warpedtekken 3metal gear solidmedal of honor
    Castlevania: Symphony of the NightParasite EveStreet Fighter EX PLus Alpha (Yeah, I actually loved this game)
    Instead of top 3 I'mma have a top 5Chrono CrossFinal Fantasy 9Legend of DragoonTales of Destiny 2Resident Evil
    I no order

    Metal Gear Solid

    Syphon Filter


    I guess that would be it for me

    A few other games come to mind but they are remakes of SNES games. Ogre Battles, Final Fantasy 6, etc.
    Spyro the dragon

    Tekken 3

    Worms Armageddon
    1. Resident Evil 2.2. Metal Gear Solid.3. Resident Evil.

    legend of zelda

    does anyone know how to beat the boss in level 5? can u beat him without the whistle? do u have to beat the blue creatures in the room where the stairs are to get to the whistle?legend of zelda should help.

    Resident Evil 4 question

    I have a samsung 32 inch HDTV should i play the game in PAL 50Hz or NTSC 60Hz?Resident Evil 4 question
    On a SDTV it's better to play games in NTSC 60Hz because it improves the picture. On a HDTV, I do not know. Compare them and see what looks better, and if you can't tell a difference then play it on 60Hz.

    Wednesday, April 14, 2010

    What PS2 game next?

    Ok, so I'm getting close beating Tales of the Abyss on PS2. I'm only playing 1 PS2 game at a time until I finish it then I'm moving to the next one. Before I was playing them all and getting no where with the limited quality gaming time that I have (late night weekends ususally). I have FF12, Kingdom Hearts, and DQ8. What should I play next? I'm leaning towards FF12 but I thought I would ask y'alls opinion for the fun of it.I love Tales of the AByss by the way. I'm glad I'm doing one game at a time so I actually finish them.What PS2 game next?
    Final Fantasy XII is good but so is Dragon Quest 8. I had so much fun playing Dragon Quest :) XII just wasn't as fun to me.What PS2 game next?
    Well... that being the case the you should know.... KH takes about 60 hours to finish. FF12 can take 200+ hours, if you try to complete the Hunts and activate all the side mission stuff and DQ8 can run into the 130+ mark, or more.And For reference... I'd estimate, Tales of the Abyss, to be about a 120+ hour game....
    I usually don't go for 100%, I'm usually a main story finisher guy because of time contraints.
    I +1 to both FF12 and DQ8. it depends on what you wanna play. i liked both of them equally for different reasons, DQ8 has a very unique art style and old school turn based gameplay with lots of grinding. FF12 has the gambit and license system (not a fan of the license board) and is a little more open ended than DQ8. i spent about 50 hours on both games. i recommend on DQ8 not going too far out of your way to get upgraded equipment until the end of the gamein other words, if you can make/get something powered up while on your way then go for it, but don't stop the game to upgrade your equipment because you'll probably be able to buy whatever it is later on in the game. i think there were about 3 or 4 times in DQ where i stopped and grinded levels and gold because i really needed them.
    My suggestion is to go for Kingdom Hearts. That game might require alot of hours but they will be hella fun and fly right by. The other 2 are MASSIVE time sinks and would save them for last. After kingdom Hearts I would go with FF12 because you may or may not like it. DQ8 I would put off to last because to me it is beyond boring and lame and not even worth playing but if you did it should be last.
    FF12 is great! Just be sure you are not busy, or have other games lined up to play. Because it will be time consuming.
    DQVIII and FFXII are fairly long games, so either would be a great choice. I'm not a fan of Kingdom Hearts really.
  • maybelline
  • Are There Differences In The Resident Ev ...

    Is there any differences in the PS1 verisons of Resident Evil 1-3 then in the Gamecube remakes other then minor things like graphics?Are There Differences In The Resident Ev ...
    The GC remake of RE1 is a complete overall and a huge improvement.

    RE2 %26 RE3 on the GC are ports of the Dreamcast versions, so they look a bit better graphically than the PS1 versions but they are not much different.Are There Differences In The Resident Ev ...
    [QUOTE=''Rocky32189'']The GC remake of RE1 is a complete overall and a huge improvement. RE2 %26 RE3 on the GC are ports of the Dreamcast versions, so they look a bit better graphically than the PS1 versions but they are not much different.[/QUOTE]The colors are still better on the original PS1 versions though, for some reason.

    Anyone here prefer PS1 casing to the PS2 ...

    I always wished the Playstation 2 games stuck with the Playstation 1 type casing. I just prefer the square design, plus you miss out on all the artwork inside the casing. What do you guys think?Anyone here prefer PS1 casing to the PS2 ...
    I agree 100%. I loved the old ps1 casing.Anyone here prefer PS1 casing to the PS2 ...
    i perfer the ps2 casing. plastic makes everything better:D
    I liked the PS1 casing but they could easily break an unhinge.
    If I had to pick between the 2 I would definitely have to say the PS1 casing. Only because the cases have a shinier kind of thing goin for em and the artwork inside was always cool.The problem with the casing, however, is that they break and crack so easy. The thing with plastic cases is that they are much mroe durable.
    I would have to go with the PS2 cases. They don't break or crack as bad as the cases the PS1 games came in.
    I like the PS1 because it brings back memories but it was not a pretty system lol And it was no where near as durable as the PS2 was.
    I do like the original PS1 game casing better, the cases looked cooler and took up less space. However, yes they did scratch and crack so easily.
    Ive just always enjoyed my ps1 more then my ps2 for some reason.
    Definitely not. The CD cases break more easily I like the larger design of the DVD cases.
    I hate the PS1 casing, its easy to break so i much prefer the PS2 cases.
    i prefer ps2 cases because they are less able to break and easier to organize
    I like the way the PS2 slim was designed.
    i like the ps2 game cases better (there more durable)
    The PS1 casing always cracked and broke for me, so I much prefer the PS2 casing.

    Suikoden Series Question

    Do the stories carry on one after another , or do they have seperate stories like Final Fantasy?
    For example , if i start playing the series with 5 on the PS2 , or the new one on DS , will i be okay , or not have a clue whats going on?
    Thanks :DSuikoden Series Question
    no the stories dont connect really. there is some mention of characters or events from different games in each title sometimes and a couple of characters make their way into each game, but in essence each game is an entirely new story. sort of like how final fantasy works.Suikoden Series Question
    They have separate stories, so you should be fine playing whichever you want first.Suikoden 2 is closely related to the first Suikoden though, it's not really a sequel but it does have some main characters coming back from the first series.

    Metal Gear Solid Help :)

    I really want to start playing the series , yet i dont know what series the order runs in. Also , what are all the Substance games and the other games the dont run inthe main series :S
    One last thing, Is the Ultimate Collection with the main 3 Games available in the UK? Because i havn't seen it here. And if it is , can someone provide a link or something with where i can get it and its price?
    Thanks :DMetal Gear Solid Help :)
    ''MGS# +extra title'' is just whichever game you buy with extra content. as you would most probably assume the order is from 1-4! you can play 3 without any knowlage of the other games though. but 2 and 4 really require you to know the story. There is a bit of backstory which you need to know somewhat from the games that come before the MGS series but i think you can fill in the blanks yourself on what happens storywise with those games (it pretty much all gets explained in 1-4 anyway).Metal Gear Solid Help :)
    If you are going to play metal gear solid 3 snake eater play the subsistence version because the other version has a fixed camera
    The order is this :Snake Eater/Subsistence - Portable Ops - Metal Gear - Metal Gear 2 - Metal Gear Solid - Sons of Liberty/Substance - Guns of the PatriotsSubstance/Subsistence contains bonuses for the main game. They are the best edition of the game to get.

    Name a game most haven't played but high ...

    There are many games that come out without much fanfare but are really super games. What is one game that most people don't know of when you mention it but you always recommend? Its these unplayed gems that get us collectors all giddy.Name a game most haven't played but high ...
    My pick is Downhill Domination for PS2. This downhill mountain bike game is fast and a blast to play and watch. As far as PS2 racing games, its right up there with SSX and Burnout3...imo.Name a game most haven't played but high ...
    I loved downhill domination! another good one is rumble racing.. doing stupidly impossible stunts in cars is just way too fun and the power ups are equally ridiculous.
    Check out my signature. If you see any games you havent heard of before then i recommend it lol.
    Harvest Moon: Back To Nature on the PS1, not everyone's cup of tea, especially with all the killathon's that are so hyped to death, but it's a fun, well balanced game which encourages patience beyond action.R/T
    There are far too many I can choose from. You could probably ask me about my top 5 games, and that would be just as good as any answer I'd give.
    ...heh. I have signatures off due to the eye bleeds they cause.

    Haunting Ground....
    Shadow of the Collossus.
    • Mischief Makers - N64
    • Beyond Good and Evil - Xbox
    • Eternal Darkness - GC
    • Killer 7 - GC
    • Mario Sunshine - GC
    • Ico - PS2
    • Odin Sphere - PS2
    • F-Zero GX - GC
    • Panzer Dragoon Orta - Xbox
    • NBA on NBC Showtime - DC
    • Toy Commander - DC
    • Chu Chu Rocket - DC

    Tomba 2/Thread
    Ice Nine for the GBA. I looked forward to it for 3 years, couldn't find any reviews on it when it was released and it was only $20.

    It's a blast to play. :D
    astro boy on GBA.super aleste on SNES.
    Lords of Thunder
    Beach Spikers (Gamecube)

    Ghost in the Shell (Playstation)
    rr64 its the best n64 racing game after mario kart you could playit has great music and great challenging rivalsany fan of racing would like this game unless they dont like fake cars
    Suikoden and Harvest Moon 64.
    Oddworld Strangers Wrath for the xbox, a great game overlooked by nearly everyone and it scored a 9.0 all around.
    Guardian Legend for the NES. best game i have ever played.
    [QUOTE=''Gohansephiroth'']Oddworld Strangers Wrath for the xbox, a great game overlooked by nearly everyone and it scored a 9.0 all around. [/QUOTE]

    I was just thinking about that game again today. It was a great game.
    Urban Chaos (not Riot Response) was the true GTA in 3-d, except you play the cops in this one. This game was brilliant. The combat was great, driving was neat and some of the later missions were amazing.

    What Zelda game should I pick up next?

    All right this is what I have so far...
    1. A Link To The Past
    2. Ocarina Of Time
    3. Wind Waker
    4. Minish Cap
    5. Twilight Princess
    6. Phantom Hourglass
    Right now I am finishing up ALTTP and I don't have to much more to go. Console wise I have a Gamecube, Wii, GBA and a DS(No n64 any more). I want to get Majoras Mask but unfortunately it has yet to make it to the VC. I was thinking about getting either Links Awakening or one of the Oracle games, what do you think?What Zelda game should I pick up next?
    You know why hasnt nintendo put out the older ones on a handheld?? I would love to have #1 and ALTTP on my DS. What Zelda game should I pick up next?
    Your list contains an obvious missing link, in Oracle of Seasons/Ages for the gameboy color. They are some of the best and more traditional zelda games. [QUOTE=''_AbBaNdOn'']You know why hasnt nintendo put out the older ones on a handheld?? I would love to have #1 and ALTTP on my DS. [/QUOTE]They have.
    I would say pick up the collector's disk for the GC which as OoT/MMask/and I think some others.
    I think you should buy a Nintendo 64 and get Majora's Mask! :PEither that or buy the Gamecube Zelda Collector's Edition disk off the web. It has Majora's Mask, Ocarina Of Time, and Zelda's 1 %26 2.
    I'd get the GC collector's disc to get MM, and Zelda 1 %26 2. But you can't go wrong with the Oracle games either.
    majoras mask
    [QUOTE=''_AbBaNdOn'']You know why hasnt nintendo put out the older ones on a handheld?? I would love to have #1 and ALTTP on my DS. [/QUOTE]I have 1 on my GBA, and I think they ported 2 to it as well. They were part of the NES Classic line.

    Anyway, if you get one of the Oracle games, you need to get the other, since they're meant to be played one right after the other. There's even a password system that makes one game the sequel.
    [QUOTE=''slimdave21'']I think you should buy a Nintendo 64 and get Majora's Mask! :PEither that or buy the Gamecube Zelda Collector's Edition disk off the web. It has Majora's Mask, Ocarina Of Time, and Zelda's 1 %26 2.[/QUOTE] why is it not on wii vc
    [QUOTE=''kemar7856''][QUOTE=''slimdave21'']I think you should buy a Nintendo 64 and get Majora's Mask! :PEither that or buy the Gamecube Zelda Collector's Edition disk off the web. It has Majora's Mask, Ocarina Of Time, and Zelda's 1 %26 2.[/QUOTE] why is it not on wii vc[/QUOTE]I don't know. Maybe Nintendo is waiting for the storage solution before they release it because I'd imagine its a pretty large game.
    Link's awakening have you played that?

    if so then Majora's mask.
    I recommend Link's Awakening. It's quite challenging and it will keep you occupied for a while. I'd say it's one of the best Zeldas to date.
    Right read you post fully now.

    Link's Awakening is brilliant game and the oracles are good but somewhat annoying at parts so yeh go for Awakening, if not then oracles of...I can't remember which one was better, even though they are basically the same thing one was better then the other.
    Link's Awakening DX.Very nice game, but depressing...
    links awakening and four swords adventures
    Go for Link's Awakening DX for the Gameboy Colour. It's a really good game.

    Then follow that up with some even better games with the Oracle games. It doesn't matter which Oracle game as long as you play both in the end.
    Oracle of Ages/SeasonsProbably myfavourite games in the series.
    The Oracle series is actually very good, kept me occupied for a nice long while. Try it out!
    [QUOTE=''zeldaluff'']Oracle of Ages/SeasonsProbably myfavourite games in the series.[/QUOTE]Yeah I was going to say that.I loved that series aswell.
    All right thanks for all the help. I will probably see if I can find a good copy of either the Oracle or Link Awakening game on Ebay. I am still leaning to LA just because I remember reading an article in a copy of Nintendo Power about it and the story line sounded really interesting.

    My problem with the Collector Disk is its still expensive, it would be about $40 and I could get a N64 and a game for about that price.
  • maybelline
  • Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace ...

    Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace for the PSOne is my favorite Star Wars game, and I think that it's under-rated (it received fairly mediocre reviews). It's still very fun. The levels are really cool, and the voice acting can be kind of funny. :PSo, who else has this game? Did anyone else like it? :DStar Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace ...
    Amen brother.I have that game, and when it came out it was my favourite game for months and months.It wasn't my favourite Star Wars game, Jedi Power Battles was, but it was definately my second favourite.Star Wars: Episode I: The Phantom Menace ...
    That was one of my favourite games for the PS1.
    I remember playing it on the PC when I was a kid. Good times :)
    I loved killing the Guards and they just ran for you =D =D
    yeah it was pretty good although always had trouble escaping from naboo with the queen lol
    I had it. I don't know where it is, but it's still an amusing game. I replayed the game several times. It's not the best game, but it can still be fun I agree.
    I remember playing it... I got to some kind of swamp level and couldnt figure it out tho. Or I kept dying or something i dont remember that was awhile ago haha.
    ive still got it.. i love that game. one of my fave ps1 games for sure, actually it is also one of my fave star wars games aswell
    as a kid, i loved it. i saw it at play in trade for 79 cents and bought it. i dont know why i loved it, i guess it didnt age to well. but for the time great game =)
    Every time i play episode I, i go straight to the first Tatooine level, After going through the junkyard, i start a killing rampage. And the people actually get scared and say something like ''it's the killer!'' and start shooting you. When there is almost nobody left, i kill Jar Jar, and the level automatically ends. Such satisfaction:twisted:
    This game was horrible. I'm a SW addict. I love the universum. But I just couldn't beat the game. It was no fun.

    Can anyone recommend me a great , short ...

    Well recently i havn't had the time to get into massive and epic RPGs due to there content and length. So ive been looking for some really great games that take about 6-10 hours to complete.
    I just started Resident Evil (Remake) for the gamecube and I was thinking about the two NES Zelda games , but i dont know there length , can anyone fill me in?
    So what amazing games do you recommend with a short life-span?
    Thanks :)Can anyone recommend me a great , short ...
    hm.. tried any of the MGS, castlevania, or metroid games? they have depth, accessibility, and are short but replayable.pikmin, luigi's mansion...viewtiful joe, devil may cry...ICO...personally i find ICO, pikmin %26 metroid prime to be perfect. there is no crazy story with cut-scenes, so you can leave and come back without forgetting what happend. also, they're very atmospheric games, drawing you in. nice to play in the evenings.Can anyone recommend me a great , short ...
    Well for the game cube if you haven't played it yet get Rouge Squadron II its a must have. I also liked the Baulders gate game for the cube if you have some one else to play with.
    This would probably do better outside of the Legacy platforms.

    The new Prince of Persia is fast and intense.

    Heavenly Sword is fast and intense.

    Madworld is fast and intense.

    If you're looking for older short and great games, then I would recommend

    Luigi's Mansion


    Parasite Eve

    ActRaiser There's not too many short and intense games that are older I find.
    mirror's edge, if you like that sort of thing (some people don't).
    Genji: Dawn of the Samurai is a good, short game. I don't know what Days of the Blade is like.
    Jet Grind Radio on Dreamcast
    Well, there's a lot of short, addictive, arcadeish games on the Dreamcast(Cannon Spike, Power Stone 2, Charge N' Blast...?), and Rayman Raving Rabbids 2 on the Wii was a boatload of fun if you have friends...
    heavenly sword.
    Devil May Cry 3 doesn't take too long to beat, you could try that.
    Prince of Persia: Sands of Time was fun and short.
    Most first person shooters.
    Max Payne was pretty fun and short.
    Fatal Frame 1 %26 2, Zone of the Enders 2, Way of the Samurai....
    spyhunter for the ps2
    YOu have to give it a try its a non stop party with babys!
    Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo
    Gitaroo Man Lives
    Metal Slug
    Mirror's EdgeGunstar Heroes(Wii VC)

    Should I get Gamecube Twilight Princess ...

    Hey, I want to buy a game to play and was wondering if I should buy Zelda Twilight Princess for Gamecube or the first 3 Metal Gear Solid games for Playstation and Playstation 2. They both cost the same price, $30.I haven't beaten either of these games.Thanks.Should I get Gamecube Twilight Princess ...
    Get The Metal Gear Solid box set. $30 for 3 of the best games ever made is a steal.Should I get Gamecube Twilight Princess ...
    [QUOTE=''nVidiaGaMer'']Get The Metal Gear Solid box set. $30 for 3 of the best games ever made is a steal.[/QUOTE]He speaks the truth, since you have already experienced ocarina of time, the master quest version isnt much different. Go with MGS, the entire series has one of the best narratives in all of gaming.
    [QUOTE=''nVidiaGaMer'']Get The Metal Gear Solid box set. $30 for 3 of the best games ever made is a steal.[/QUOTE]I agree. Master Quest wasn't that great. :\
    Yeah, I've nixxed the choice of Master Quest for the Gamecube Twilight Princess.So it's either the Twilight Princess or the 3 metal Gear SOlid games.
    Get Metal Gear Solid, the best action series IMO, but note, there are more than a few reports about the first Metal Gear Solid in the box being defective
    I would get Twilight Princess. Really great game.

    I played the first Metal Gear for a bit, but didn't like it. I played MGS4 and didn't really like it. Sure it was epic and everything, but the drama... is really cheesy. Like a bad anime that just goes on and on and on. It doesn't help that I don't really like tactical/sneaky type games (though MGS4 delved into staight-up action quite a bit...) So yeah, I guess it comes down to which franchise you like more. I love fantasy; love Zelda. MGS and its tactical combat and melodrama didn't do it for me. I love the understated story-telling in Zelda games.
    I would get the Metal Gear Collection because those are some the best games ever made.
    I'd also lean toward the Metal Gear Collection because you're getting 3 excellent games there. That's quite an experience if you've never played through this series before.
    Get the Metal Gear Solid box, they'll last you alot longer and you'll enjoy them more.
    Get MGS.Twillight princess is a good game but not as awesome as the other Zelda games.On the otherhand 3 MGS games = 3 masterpieces!!!!!
    3 great games >1 great game. MATHS FTW?
    ^ That lol

    how many of you owned or still do...

    THe cool boy!how can it get cooler with a games like 120 games in 1 i still love playing ithow many of you owned or still do...
    wow.. i want one !!! how many of you owned or still do...
    [QUOTE=''doll94'']wow.. i want one !!! [/QUOTE]its awsome try and see if you can find one for cheap it will be worth it
    [QUOTE=''Moonknight_1209''][QUOTE=''doll94'']wow.. i want one !!! [/QUOTE]its awsome try and see if you can find one for cheap it will be worth it[/QUOTE]i might just have to.. just for a laugh, maybe it would replace my ds as handheld of choice
    [This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
    [This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
    Never seen that before :shock:
    [This message was deleted at the request of a moderator or administrator]
    I'd pay like 5 bucks for it:P And the only reason I would by it would be for collection purposes.
    I highly doubt that made it out here in Australia.
    I have never seen it before. When did it come out?
    Around late 2002 to 2003 im not positive but in that area
    I've never even seen that before.
    What is that thing? What type of games does it play? Who manufactured it? Help here please!
    I have never heard of the cool boy but it looks awesome. I have seen a cartridge like that before though. I found a mexican bootleg copy of all the cartoon network games which is like 50 different games in one. where can you find the cool boy at anyway? that would be cool to have.
    Yeah, that looks interesting. I have never seen it before, but wow, 120 games in 1? I am also wondering who manufactured it, and where was it sold?
    lol I had one once upon a time. Got it used a couple years back, but never got any games for it. Wish I still had it...(gave it away to my nephew)
    wow i want it and if they sold it here then they must be rarer to find than a/v cables to a saturn
    That looks like something I might find as a free prize in a cereal box. :| Looks kinda cheap.
    Isn't that just one of those Chinese pirated things that you'll probably see ashens review in a month?

    I need help in Fire red

    :cry: ok i need help in fire red so any ways i am beating all the pokemon games red to platinum and so far im stuck in fire red e4 (elite 4)pokemonsblastoise lvl 53 mvs:blizzzard surf hydro cannon mega punchmackoke lvl 46 mvs revenqe vital throw focus punch cross chopmarowhak lvl46 mvs: bonemeang sandstorm falseswipe protectmoltries lvl 51 mvs: fly overheat fire spin flametroweronix lvl 46 mvs: dragonbreath sandstorm double-edge tron tailvileplume lvl 42 mvs: acid sleep powder stun spore solarbeam replacing stun sporehelp would be appreciatedWe are gamers regardles of age race sex(boy or girl) and we stand united!!!!!!!:!:I need help in Fire red
    Just train them more. I had all my Pokemon up to level 60 before I went to the E4.I need help in Fire red
    The only thing you can do is train your pokemon more.Get them up to level 60
    ok im doing that a acually trained them up by a lvl each but it is taking a while i try to get past the fist girl and i can kill every thing but her laprasany suggestios
    I would recommend capturing Zapdos my personal fav of the legendary birds and play to the elements
    ive accedentally used my master ball on molstres and i tried catching him and i couldnt i put him to sleep and used false swipe and stil couldnt catch n]him btw are any of the genders of legends known like mew or heatran y dont they have genders????
    [QUOTE=''andybobbins16'']I would recommend capturing Zapdos my personal fav of the legendary birds and play to the elements[/QUOTE]True that. Also, buy a grip load of max potions and revives before going for the E4. But keep in mind you also have to fight your rival.
    Yeah you have to level up, all my Pokemon we're at least level 54 and then they were all level 56 before I beat the Elite four. Also study the elite four and know which Pokemon will come out first and be ready with the perfect combatant this way you can KO them in one shot and then go from there. Buy a lot of full restores as well.
    [QUOTE=''Joshorama3796'']ive accedentally used my master ball on molstres[/QUOTE]OMG! WHY? I caught all my birds with ultra balls. It just takes practice and skill.
    You need to train them to at least level 55 - 60 :)
    [QUOTE=''andybobbins16'']I would recommend capturing Zapdos my personal fav of the legendary birds and play to the elements[/QUOTE]I agree.Zapdos is badass.

    Marvel Super Heroes

    Has anyone played Marvel Super Heroes for the sega saturn? How's the gameplay? Is there any slowdown?Marvel Super Heroes
    I have it on the Saturn there is no slowdown, but the game does have some long loading times. The game plays is good, and it uses gem power ups to increases characters abilities. Marvel Super Heroes
    Awesome game although I never owned it.. I played it frequently in the Arcade and a few times at Funcoland!
  • maybelline
  • NES or SNES

    This has to be one of the hardest decision for me... I have the oppurtunity to get a SNES or NES which should I get? Why?NES or SNES
    SNES. It has the RPGs. Some of its games actually look nice, which cannot be said for any NES games (imho).NES or SNES
    get bothSNES because of its great libraryNES for having a collectors item
    Both systems are great and it's tough decision. I'll have to go with the SNES because of it's great library of games. I mean there's something for everyone.
    oh this is good I had my eye set on NES maybe I will consider SNES...
    i have to agree with you there. SNES looks good.
    SNES because it has a better game library.

    Also, if you're considering buying a front-loading NES, you'll probably have tons of problems with it.
    [QUOTE=''Rocky32189'']SNES because it has a better game library. Also, if you're considering buying a front-loading NES, you'll probably have tons of problems with it.[/QUOTE]problems like what?
    [QUOTE=''Xx2SpAwN3xX''][QUOTE=''Rocky32189'']SNES because it has a better game library. Also, if you're considering buying a front-loading NES, you'll probably have tons of problems with it.[/QUOTE]problems like what?[/QUOTE]the 72 pin connector for one. yea just get the snes, its reliable and wont break. and its got really great games.
    Either one, you can't go wrong... but personally, I'd go with the NES since it has my 3 favorite franchises Mega Man, Ninja Gaiden and Castlevania... not to mention many other games available for it. Still, the SNES is a great pick as well. Hope you find what you're looking for.
    The NES is a classic system no doubt however I'd recommend the SNES because it has a seriously huge library of games to choose from... I am sure you will find many to enjoy. Plus, some SNES games had really impressive graphics, and the system also had some of the greatest RPGs of all time.
    I'd recommend the SNES as well. You'll have a lot less problems with it. The chances of you getting an NES that doesn't work are pretty significant. I can also vouch for the SNES's amazing selection. Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past, Donkey Kong Country 1, 2, and 3, Super Mario World, Super Mario World 2: Yoshi's Island, Lufia and the Fortress of Doom... Tons of great games come to mind.
    [QUOTE=''Xx2SpAwN3xX''][QUOTE=''Rocky32189'']SNES because it has a better game library. Also, if you're considering buying a front-loading NES, you'll probably have tons of problems with it.[/QUOTE]problems like what?[/QUOTE]

    If it still has the original 72 pin connector, it probably won't work very well.
    Thanks everyone I think I know what system I'm going to choose now
    SNES is the superior system in terms of hardware(obviously). The game selection is better, i'd go with that one :)
    You could try this:
    You really can't go wrong with either decision. The SNES does have superior games, but the NES is just classic, and awesome, and you'll have just as much fun with an NES as an SNES.
    not a hard choice for me, SNES easily has more and better games.
    both the nes and snes are good systems but snes is best for many games and few for nes// check out the fc twin it plays both nes and snes games with the snes controllers. I work at a store that sells them and they are amazing but the controllers that come with it aren't as good as the snes controllers but it is combatiable with the snes controllers which is cool. as long as you take care of it. it will last you a long time.
    I never really liked the SNES, to be honest...Super Maro World's fun, and TMNT 4 was great, but I haven't played many other must-have games on it...the NES, on the other hand...=) Lots of fun to be had there, Balloon Fight, Excitebike, TMNT 2, Double Dragon 2(I'm not too fussy on it, but it's still GOOD...), and Super Mario Bros. 1 and 3 are all great games...and SMB3 on the NES has Raccoon Luigi sporting a green tail. =D